The Dark Side….Cheerleading

Well its official. All my years of despair of never being the popular head cheerleader (even though I was on drill team) have been vindicated. I’m now a Cheer Mom. I know my friends will hate me, but I can’t help it. I’m so excited. Bordering on obsessed perhaps? Maybe because this is something that Princess and I can bond over? I don’t really know, I just know my little Sparkler is officially a bow-head and I could NOT be more excited about it. She made the Tiny Show Team for a well ranked gym in the city we will be living in soon. We practice her stretches, facials and back walkovers every night. Its the first thing I’ve stuck with pretty consistently as far as her daily routine goes. She starts practice next week and gets the whole set up-the practice uniforms, the performance uniforms, we go to competitions and I even volunteered to be a TEAM MOM. Yes, I must be crazy. In fact, I know I am since I am constantly looking at the gyms FB page to make sure I’m not missing anything. They are SO going to hate me over there. Yeah, I’m going to be THAT mom. If only I could control it.

I have to admit, I’m pretty happy Princess is out of the ‘baby stage’. It was ok, but I was pretty miserable and stressed out during most of it so I didn’t really get to enjoy it. I’m enjoying most of her 4 year old stage, except the crazy tantrums, but I think we are getting a handle on those. So now we get to move on to the fun things like cheer, tumble, and her very first sleepover with 3 of her Marchie friends.

But not to derail myself-this post is all about my giddy excitement over being a cheer mom. I’m trying to not appear TOO over eager by wanting all the shirts, the bows, buying the new car decal (I’m seriously salivating over it-hoping I can wait til next Fridays practice to buy it), and wanting the “Mom” shirt. I know my little fearless daredevil will want to be a flyer, and while on one hand it terrifies me, on the other its probably inevitable since she is the teeniest person on the planet it seems!

I want to be like my BFF who is the ultimate cheer mom. She makes the bows, the big signs, a homemade rattle, the cowbells, she helps with the banquets, the gifts, the gym in general-she is the ultimate Cheer Mom, however, she is at a competitive gym now. I always dreamed Princess would cheer along side her cousin covered in hot pink and zebra but it turns out she was meant to be in the sparkly blue instead.

Get your guns up Princess, you are a cheerleader now!

2 thoughts on “The Dark Side….Cheerleading

  1. Hi! I just came across your blog a few days ago, I'm also a single mom to a little (baby) girl. Will you be doing more frequents posts again? Thanks!


  2. Hello! I've been laptop-less for awhile so I've sucked at posting, but I am trying to get back on a regular weekly posting-especially as we have so many new adventures happening!!! Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy!

